“You are the sky - everything else — it’s just the weather.” -Pema Chodron
This season marks the beginning of a challenging time of year for many; less daylight, more cloudy skies, and increased precipitation can lead to days in the doldrums.
Living in the high-desert, we get more sunshine than many, which of course is known to boost mood and energy levels. Here are more ways to increase your output when the day is gray:
Exercise is an immediate energy and brain booster. Taking a walk, jumping rope, climbing the stairs, or even doing wall sits will stimulate blood flow to your brain. If you sit for long periods of time, simply get up and walk around.
A deep, peaceful, long rest. This is the best way to recharge your energetic battery and help heal, well, pretty much everything in your body. Experts suggest turning off technology at least 1 hour before bed. “Blue light” from gadgets stimulate the brain to think it's day time, impeding the body's circadian rhythm to switch to nighttime.
Supplements like CO-Q10 and folic acid help the body generate energy between cells as well as produce and maintain new cells. Nootropics are supplements that are capable of enhancing the health and performance of the brain. They are associated with improving mood and focus, and decreasing anxiety.
Avoiding alcohol in lieu of water. Dehydration reduces the flow of oxygen to the brain, causing your heart to work harder to pump oxygen to all your bodily organs, making you less alert. Alcohol is dehydrating and a depressant, so if your goal is to have more energy for evening events, it’s best to stick to H2O.
MASSAGE! Massage increases circulation, which means more oxygen to your muscles and brain. It also reduces stress and symptoms of depression, and improves sleep quality, all resulting in a clearer mind and more energy.
Let us help you stay clear-minded during this transition to Fall. We’re open 7 days a week to treat you.